Contributor Guide

Building the documentation locally

There are a number of dependencies required for building the documentation.


Alertinator’s docs are written for compilation with Sphinx, the documentation system developed for Python’s documentation. We use the php domain to help Sphinx understand the docs extracted from our PHP code.

It is recommended you install Sphinx inside a virtualenv to keep your system clean:

[$]> cd docs
[$]> virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute env
[$]> source env/bin/activate
[$]> pip install -r requirements.txt
[$]> deactivate
[$]> cd ..


Dox PHP is used to extract docstrings from the PHP source and turn them into reST files suitable for Sphinx. Please refer to Dox PHP’s project page for installation instructions.

Building and viewing

If all the dependencies are installed, should produce a set of HTML documentation in docs/_build/html. You can view these in your browser through any variety of means; one easy way is to use Python:

[$]> cd doc/_build/_html
[$]> python -m SimpleHTTPServer

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